When u arrive in EGYPT
u get a touristic visa, for a period of 28 day's. at the moment 25 $ you buy the visa on the airport,
if you brake this visa a time (staying longer) when u return you pay a fine in the airport . don't panic. the don't eat your there. if the reason is grounded (sick or delayed with reason you don't pay , but u need to prove it with a document. . if you don't have a valid reason you pay a reasonable fine
when you are above 60 years you are allowed to stay longer and don't pay a fine when you exceed 28 day's
If u think about staying longer. u need to go to the visa department in Dahar. you can ask there for a residence visa for different period
this office also have a re-entry stamp if u like to travel between 6 months a few time back and return to Egypt.
The expenses are verry reasonable. you will safe cash.
i created a special page if you have bad luck or have a health problem, accident, or need help. so go there.